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时间:2024-05-04 22:42:41 来源:网络整理 编辑:休闲


1. One-armed Wolf's Journey Comes to an EndAfter countless battles and heart-wrenching decisions, th


1. One-armed Wolf's Journey Comes to an End

After countless battles and heart-wrenching decisions,只狼只狼 the journey of the one-armed wolf in "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" finally reaches its long-awaited conclusion. From the opening scene where our hero, known as the Wolf, loses his arm to the climactic battle atop Ashina Castle, the game has captivated players with its stunning visuals, intense combat, and intricate storytelling. As players progress through the game, they are faced with difficult choices that ultimately shape the fate of both the Wolf and the world he inhabits.

2. Confronting the Father and Defeating the Divine Heir

In the penultimate chapter, players are faced with a crucial decision that sets in motion the path to one of four endings. The Wolf, loyal and devoted to his surrogate father, the Owl, must choose between following his command to obey the Iron Code or to protect the Divine Heir, Kuro. This choice determines which ultimate confrontation he will have to face and the fate that awaits him at the end of the journey. As the Wolf makes his decision, players must brace themselves for the challenging battles that lie ahead.

3. The Shura Ending: Embracing the Path of Destruction

In one possible ending, the Shura ending, the Wolf embraces the path of destruction and forsakes his loyalty to protect Kuro. Consumed by his desire for power, the Wolf becomes a demon of death, slaughtering all in his path. This ending portrays the consequences of succumbing to the darker aspects of human nature and the price one must pay for forsaking their principles. It serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked ambition and the corrupting influence it can have on even the noblest of souls.

4. The Purification Ending: Finding Redemption and Closure

Alternatively, players can choose the path of purification and seek redemption for their past actions. This ending sheds light on the Wolf's troubled past and his connection to the Divine Realm. In order to achieve purification, players must face formidable foes and confront the truth behind the Wolf's dark legacy. Through their determination and resilience, players can find closure for the Wolf's tortured soul, allowing him to finally find peace and redemption.

5. The Immortal Severance Ending: A Bittersweet Farewell

The Immortal Severance ending offers players a bittersweet farewell as the Wolf fulfills his duty to protect Kuro by severing the ties of immortality. This choice results in sacrifices and the loss of immortality for both the Wolf and Kuro. However, it also allows them to forge their own destinies independent of the Dragon's Heritage. This ending encapsulates the themes of sacrifice, duty, and the fleeting nature of life that permeate the world of "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice." While it may be a somber ending, it offers a sense of closure and the hope for a brighter future.


The multiple endings of "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" provide players with a sense of agency and allow them to shape the destiny of the one-armed wolf. Each ending explores different themes and consequences, providing players with a thought-provoking and emotionally impactful conclusion to the game's gripping narrative. Whether players find redemption, embrace destruction, or bid farewell, the journey of the one-armed wolf will leave a lasting impression and undoubtedly secure "Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice" as a memorable chapter in gaming history.